3 Bentuk Ancaman Data Pribadi yang Harus Diketahui dan Diwaspadai

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3 Bentuk Ancaman Data Pribadi yang Harus Diketahui dan Diwaspadai

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Deputi Bidang Keamanan Siber dan Sandi Pemerintahan dan Pembangunan Manusia BSSN RI, Sulistyo, revealed three main threats to personal data that must be aware of.

This was conveyed during a seminar titled “Finding the Middle Ground of Democracy: Between National Security and Civil Liberties” organized by the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, on Thursday (May 30, 2024).

Sulistyo explained that threats to personal data can be categorized into three main forms: first, the threat of “Data Being Sought”, second, “Data Being Given”, and third, “Data Being Stolen”.

According to him, the threat of “Data Being Sought” is carried out by individuals, where this threat occurs when individuals inadvertently enter their personal data on social media. This then makes it easier for the data to be found or even misused by others.

“For example, someone might post their ID number on their ID card or their date of birth on social media, and using simple keywords, others can search for and access that personal data,” said Sulistyo.

Meanwhile, the threat of “Data Being Given” comes from platforms developed by companies or application developers. This threat comes through applications that often have the ability to track historical activities in the daily lives of users. The data provided to these applications can be used for various purposes, such as marketing and analytics.

“And the last threat is “Data Being Stolen” carried out by cybercriminals targeting people of strategic value,” he said.

In this context, he emphasized that spyware or eavesdropping is a type of threat related to data theft, but the potential for misuse is actually very low.

However, he continued that often in practice, spyware and eavesdropping are used for the purpose of stealing data, although the likelihood of exploitation is very low.

“Therefore, it is important for users to remain vigilant against this threat, even though the chances are low, to protect the security and privacy of their data,” he explained.

Sulistyo hoped that this seminar would not only explore different perspectives on the balance between national security and civil liberties but also provide new insights to participants on the importance of safeguarding personal data security in the digital era.

Additionally, this seminar was specifically held in response to an Amnesty International report that circulated and caused concern among the Indonesian public regarding the issue of purchasing and using spyware by the Indonesian government allegedly from Israel.

The Amnesty International report stated that this was a repression of civil liberties. This indicates that there are violations of Indonesia’s legal supremacy, especially in protecting human rights in Indonesia.

Source: https://bukamata.id/wajib-tahu-3-bentuk-ancaman-data-pribadi-ini-harus-diwaspadai

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