Wisuda 573 Mahasiswa Unhan, Menhan Prabowo Subianto : Indonesia Harus Kejar Penguasaan STEM

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Bogor – Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto attended the graduation of 573 undergraduate (S1), master (S2), and doctorate (S3) students at the Defense University (Unhan) in Sentul, Bogor, on Monday (12/2).

A total of 573 students consist of 17 doctorate students, 273 from the Faculty of Defense Strategy, 69 from the Faculty of Defense Management, 82 from the Faculty of National Security, 57 from the Faculty of Defense Science and Technology, and 75 from the Faculty of Military Medicine.

In his speech, Prabowo emphasized that Indonesia must catch up with the development of Human Resources in the fields of Science, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM), and medicine.

“Our future will be determined by the STEM revolution, including medicine. So, we must catch up, we must be brave enough to admit that we are lagging behind (several developed countries),” said Prabowo.

He explained that Unhan had taken a step forward by establishing four new faculties in the field of STEM, including a faculty of medicine and engineering in the hydrology study program, which is not owned by several universities in Indonesia.

“I have ordered Unhan to add a special study program in the field of hydrology. Now they can prove themselves to play a practical role directly in overcoming the difficulties of our people. They search for and produce clean water,” he said.

According to him, clean water is a strategic and scarce commodity. Moreover, the United Nations (UN) predicts that the world will soon be hit by three major crises, namely food, energy, and water.

“We have extraordinary natural resources, we must be able to achieve and master them, and contribute to their development with STEM and all basic sciences,” said Prabowo.

Therefore, he hopes that Unhan graduates will be able to make a great contribution to the people and the country. Moreover, to pursue education at Unhan, they have to go through strict intelligence and academic achievement selection.

“I ask that in your mind, you must make a significant contribution. You have the ability, because the requirements we give to you are quite high. I take the requirements (education standards) of the best universities in the world,” he said.

Prabowo wants Unhan to add more study programs and students in the future, without sacrificing the quality of selection and high academic standards that have been applied.

“Unhan must truly be a center of excellence with academic quality equal to the best universities in the world,” he concluded. (SENOPATI)

Source: https://prabowosubianto.com/wisuda-573-mahasiswa-unhan-menhan-prabowo-subianto-indonesia-harus-kejar-penguasaan-stem/

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