Presiden Minta Mendikbud Tambah Anggaran Riset, TKN Prabowo Gibran: Kami Siap Melanjutkan, Target Anggaran Riset dan Inovasi 1,5 persen PDB

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Presiden Minta Mendikbud Tambah Anggaran Riset, TKN Prabowo Gibran: Kami Siap Melanjutkan, Target Anggaran Riset dan Inovasi 1,5 persen PDB

Jakarta (TKN) – Commander of Bravo Communication Team, National Campaign Team (TKN) Prabowo Gibran, Budisatrio Djiwandono, welcomed President Joko Widodo’s mandate to increase the budget for research, especially in higher education.

“Prabowo-Gibran is ready to carry out the continuity of Mr. President’s mandate, to increase research funding. Especially for higher education,” Budisatrio told reporters on Monday (15/1).

Budisatrio emphasized that the increase in research funding will continue to be added each year, if Prabowo-Gibran receives the mandate of the people to become President and Vice President for 2024-2029.

“One of the programs in the vision and mission of Prabowo-Gibran is to allocate research funding which is targeted to become 1.5 percent of Indonesia’s gross domestic product (GDP),” Budisatrio continued.

The Vision and Mission of Prabowo-Gibran, continued Budisatrio, is towards Indonesia Maju (Advanced Indonesia), one of the prerequisites for becoming an advanced country is the political will to build a culture of research and innovation. And then move on to becoming a competitive and innovative industrialized country.

“Prabowo-Gibran is focusing on achieving Indonesia Emas (Golden Indonesia), the requirement is to build a culture of research and innovation. And make it a support for becoming an advanced industrial country, for the goal of Indonesia Maju (Advanced Indonesia),” said Budisatrio.

Previously, President Joko Widodo instructed Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim to increase the budget for research, especially in higher education in 2024. Despite the upcoming presidential election, Jokowi believes that the increase in research funding will be continued by whoever is elected as president.

“Mr. Nadiem, the budget (for research) is increased. It’s okay to start this year, even though the president will change. But starting with a large budget, so the next president will have to continue it, whether it’s 01 (Anies Baswedan), 02 (Prabowo Subianto), or 03 (Ganjar Pranowo),” explained Jokowi at the XXV Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Rector Forum in Surabaya, Monday (SENOPATI).


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