Pemuda Marah dan Memukul Calon Istri karena Cemburu Telepon dengan Pria Lain

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Pemuda Marah dan Memukul Calon Istri karena Cemburu Telepon dengan Pria Lain

Rabu, 27 Desember 2023 – 02:30 WIB

Konawe – AS (26), a man in Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi, cruelly abused his future wife with the initials IU (25). The abuse committed by AS to his future wife, by hitting and then throwing her.

Kapolsek Unaaha, Ipda Edy Rambulangi, said the criminal act of abuse was motivated by jealousy towards the alleged cheating of his future wife. “The motive for the abuse is jealousy. From there the abuse occurred,” said Ipda Edy, when confirmed on Tuesday, December 26, 2023.

He explained that the act of violence was captured on a surveillance camera (CCTV) showing the victim and the perpetrator initially just sitting casually at a car wash. However, shortly afterwards, the perpetrator then hit the victim’s left thigh and ear using his hand. “The act of abuse was captured on camera. Where initially they were just chatting, then the beating occurred,” he said.

Not stopping there, Edy said, the victim who was abused tried to go and defend himself by hitting back. However, the increasingly angry perpetrator then pulled and slammed the victim to the floor and then hit him again. Residents in the area immediately broke up the fight. “The victim fought back but was hit again until he fell. Fortunately, the residents immediately intervened,” he said.

Edy revealed that the act of violence was then reported by the victim to the police. In the report, the act of violence occurred at a car wash in the Tumpas Village, Unaaha District. “A police report has been made regarding the criminal act of abuse. The crime scene is at the car wash,” explained Ipda Edy.

In his report, the victim and the perpetrator initially only discussed the clothes that would be used for the engagement process. However, shortly afterwards they chatted, suddenly the victim received a call from someone. The victim at that time moved away from the perpetrator when receiving the call. Thus, making the perpetrator suspicious that the victim was receiving a call from her lover. “Initially they only discussed the preparations for their wedding. But at that time, the victim received a phone call and moved away, so it made the perpetrator jealous. The initial investigation results were that the victim answered a call from a man,” he said.

The police, said Edy, tried to mediate after receiving a report from the victim. However, the mediation was rejected and requested that the perpetrator or her future husband be immediately arrested. “The report was received and we tried to mediate first. But there was no progress. So we immediately arrested the perpetrator last Saturday,” he said.

Currently, Edy said the perpetrator has been detained and questioned. Furthermore, Edy admitted that he will take the mediation route again if both parties want to agree to reconcile. But if it is still rejected, then his party will take legal action.
Halaman Selanjutnya

Edy revealed that the act of violence was then reported by the victim to the police. In the report, the act of violence occurred at a car wash in the Tumpas Village, Unaaha District.